Besnard Insurance provides coverage options, some of which, insure hundreds of independent schools across the country. Broad coverage minimizes gaps and responds to the needs of your school. Whether yours is a large or small educational community, day or boarding school, the liability risks are real, and you deserve the best protection and service available.
We understand issues that are most important to independent schools and doesn’t shy away from the most critical coverage such as athletic injuries, lab safety, sexual molestation, and transportation. In fact, we directly address these issues through our comprehensive risk management resources including multimedia learning programs for employees, students, and volunteers on high-risk subjects, timely updates on high-profile legal issues such as concussions, as well as personalized advisory services.
Coverage Feature Options
Significant Limits
Up to $30 million in limits is available with educators legal liability (ELL) policy and up to $30 million with general liability excess coverage (GLX), both subject to underwriting review. The combination of ELL and GL gives independent schools the resources needed to protect finances, endowments, and reputations.
GL policies include coverage for:
- Additional insureds
- Alcohol-related claims
- Allied health professionals and counselors in campus infirmary
- Athletics
- Boarding schools
- Fire
- Security guards
- Sexual molestation
ELL policies include coverage for:
- Discrimination
- Educational malpractice/failure to educate
- Employee benefits/ERISA
- Employment practices
- Prior acts
- Punitive damages
- Trustees and officers
Fiduciary Liability Coverage
Individuals involved with managing trustee, medical, disability, life, retirement, pension, and other employee benefit plans are faced with ever-increasing scrutiny and compliance requirements due to ERISA and similar regulations. And, institutions that administer the plans are at risk for claims including:
- Errors and omissions
- Civil penalties related to prohibited transactions
- Compensatory damages
- Associated defense costs
Broad Definition of Insured
Our GL and ELL policies can include trustees, officers, employees, teachers and faculty, volunteers, committee members, and students who are in supervised internship programs or are performing services for and on behalf of the educational organization as insureds.
Worldwide Protection
True worldwide coverage means that lawsuits do not have to be brought in U.S. courts. Our insurance companies have defended against overseas negligence suits brought by foreign nationals. As independent schools increase their foreign travel, our worldwide protection provides peace of mind.
Broader Media and Intellectual Property Coverage
Contrary to GL and ELL policies from other carriers, we have options that include internet-related liability that applies to a personal and advertising injury as well as intellectual property violations.
Seamless Coverage
Many incidents result in allegations that trigger claims in both a GL and ELL policy, known as hybrid claims. Policies with separate insurance carriers often result in coverage disputes as to which policy and carrier should respond to the claim, leaving the policyholder in the middle. Our provider writes both the primary GL and ELL coverage, we add our unique endorsements which provide broader, coordinated coverage.
Trustees and Officers Liability Coverage
Trends in the worlds of business and education mean that educational institutions are operating in a new legal climate. Greater scrutiny of board affairs has resulted in increased litigation and legal exposure for board members as individuals. Our ELL policy options includes trustees and officers liability coverage, also known as directors and officers coverage (D&O), and was created with these risks in mind. Trustees and officers coverage can also be written as a stand-alone policy.